Paris Photo was an amazing art fair. I am grateful for the opportunity to exhibit in the beautiful Grand Palais along side a spectrum of inspiring photographers – from established masters to emerging artists, such as myself.  It was an energizing experience.

Huge thanks to Paris Photo, Magda Danysz and her team, our collectors and visitors, and everyone who supported us. You made it happen.

Please feel free to click the images below to see a sampling of media coverage from Paris Photo, including an interview (written in French) with Nicolas Jucha of Art Presta.

Standouts of Paris Photo 2013

Standouts of Paris Photo 2013 – Blouin ArtInfo



Supermodels, Marilyn and a wall of moons – The Guardian



Peikwen Cheng, photographe libre comme l’air – Art Presta



Paris Photo 2013 Preview – Lens Culture



ON Y Va: L’Exposition Paris Photo Au Grand Palais –